7 Year Anniversary

This February we marked our seventh year of being married.  It's amazing how fast the years go by.  On our wedding day we received as a gift (among tons of other gifts from our many friends and family) a basket of items that referenced the show 'Jerry Seinfeld'.  Jake was a big Seinfeld fan at the time and this basked had things from some different episodes.  One of those things were a loaf of "Marble Rye" bread, from when Jerry helped George replace the marble rye bread from his girlfriends house.  Anyway, we did not know that bread was there and we went to our honeymoon.  Upon returning from our honeymoon, we found the bread in that basket completely rock hard.  We laughed at our hard bread, though a little sad that we didn't get to eat it.  Jake picked up the bread and stuck it on a nail we had on top of our stove.  I really liked it there for some reason.  People would comment how strange it was that we had old bread hanging in our kitchen.  Well, I didn't care, I loved that bread.
The day of our anniversary, I was sitting in the living room waiting for Jake to come downstairs for us to go out to dinner.  I suddenly hear a noise...lo and behold... our "Marble Rye" had fallen and broken into five pieces.  The strangest part of this was that it broke after seven year to the day!!!  Some people may think that I must be making this up, but I don't lie.  This is the truth.  I'm hoping this is a good omen.  I hope this marks the end of seven great years and the beginning of seven new wonderful years.  I hope that the five pieces represent our family multiplying?  Meaning that the two different kinds of dough  (Jake and I) will become, in the next seven years, a family of five?  We just need three children in the next seven years to make this good omen come true.

Seven year bread

We went to Dinner at PF Chang's.
PF Changs


The next week we also went to dinner at Chili's with our friends and their new baby girl.

I had soup and salad...I have a goal of getting back to my ideal weight.  I've already lost about 5 pounds.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh bummer!! I liked the bread above the stove! It always made me smile!
