Our first possibility Feb 2012

     We had our first lead on a person that was contemplating adoption.  We sent her our contact information and profile.  This single mom is having twins!  We did get excited at this prospect, but tried hard not to get our hopes up too high, because we knew she was getting pressure from family to keep them.

     I found out today that she decided to keep them after all and parent them herself.  When I called to tell Jake he was supportive and comforting.  He told me to "keep my chin up" and that it was probably the best decision for this mother right now.  Jake knew I was disappointed that we didn't even get to meet her.  I know he was disappointed too.

  We realized that the possibility of nothing coming from this situation was high.  Still, we are sad that nothing happened in the direction we were hoping for.  We do wish her the best of luck.  We hope things turn out well for her and her children.

  I learned a lot even from this small experience.  I understood how I need to be patient; how to accept other people's freedom of choice; and how little control I have over anything.  What I can do is keep telling people about us and forward our profile to everyone we know (and don't know).

  However, in the end, it's the birth mom's choice, and all I can hope is that the right mom, carrying the right baby will choose us.  I know my babies are out there somewhere waiting to come to us.

  Please feel free to forward our profile to people you know.  If you go to  our complete profile   you can share our link through email and even print a copy to hand out.  We also have email and phone numbers we would give out to those who are interested.
Just let us know.


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