Adoption Profile

We are ready to welcome a precious little one into our home.  We are a loving couple who can provide joy and happiness for our children, but we need help realizing that dream.  With gratitude in our hearts, we ask you to consider us in your decisions

We were married in February 2005

How we met: An “Almost” Blind Date
Jake and I didn’t meet by chance; we were brought together in an “almost” blind date.  A mutual friend, Liz, thought we’d go well together.  Liz knew Jake from work, but Jake knew very little about me.  All he knew was that my name was Claudia and that I was a nice Brazilian girl.  Jake agreed to meet me anyway, never really expecting a date would ever come of it. As a friend of my family, Liz knew I was too hesitant to try another blind date, so she nudged a casual meeting instead so we could “test the waters.”
One afternoon in April 2005, I unexpectedly walked into Jake’s office.  I said, “Hi, I’m Claudia.”  He responded in an equally quiet manner, “Hi, I’m Jake.”  We shook hands, talked briefly, and then I left.  Liz was waiting outside for a report on the rather awkward meeting that felt more like a job interview. 
"How did it go??” 
“It went fine…” I said. 
“Did you give him your phone number?”
“No, he didn’t ask for it.” (We are both shy.)
Sounding a bit exasperated, Liz said, “Do I have to do everything for you guys?” 
She left immediately and came back with her mission accomplished: our phone numbers had now been exchanged.  I went home with Jake’s number with the feeling that I would give him a chance. 
A couple of days later, I get a phone call from Jake, and we made plans for our first date.  We went on a double date with some of his friends to a dinner theater, where we still hold season tickets.  I thought he was a nice guy, and I liked him—but I wanted to know if he really was perfect for me.  On our second date, I made sure to ask him lots of questions (Jake still can’t believe I asked about his “five year plan” while we were on a beautiful garden walk). 
After a couple months of dating, I wanted to bring up some more serious topics before I would let myself fall completely in love.  So my best friend and I came up with a sneaky plan: we would rig a question-and-answer game called “Scruples” by picking out questions I thought were crucial to our future together. 
That night, I found out that Jake and I held similar views and goals, especially when it came to family. We agreed that we both wanted to start a family soon after we got married.  We also found that both of us believed it was best for a mother to stay home with the children.  Jake and I started preparing for a family.
Jake proposed around Thanksgiving in a romantic carriage ride.  We were married February 18th.  We are still happily married, very much in love, and fortunate to have found each other.  We have joy and peace in our home.  However, so far we have been unable to get pregnant.  Adoption is the next option for us.

Comments by Jake:
I’m excited to bring a child into our home!  I know something has been missing and I feel this would make our lives complete.  I’m glad Claudia and I started our family seven years ago, and as it grows, I want to be the best father possible. 
My hopes revolve around providing a comfortable and fulfilling life for my family.  The strengths of our marriage will help us as we raise our children.  Claudia and I know how to work out our problems before they become serious.  We discuss whatever is standing between us.  This allows us to come to an amiable solution.  We discussed problem-solving before we were married and have carried out our decision to discuss disagreements.  This crucial decision has been helpful in our relationship.  I also used to be an instructor in the computer field, and I learned many ways of teaching.  I learned from my parents to always be available when there are questions to be answered or homework to be completed.
I’m looking forward to doing lots of fun things with my children.  As a family, we like going up the canyon, going out to dinner, or just hanging out and talking at my folks’ house.  As a couple, Claudia and I enjoy reading, walking together, relaxing at home, or going on a vacation.  Our children will have great memories of family trips!   Our home will be filled with peace, learning, and fun.  Our children will have a well-rounded and balanced life!
Claudia is deep-thinking, and her strengths make up for my weaknesses.  She’s a great wife, and I know that she will be a great mother.  I’ve seen how she loves to watch her nieces and nephews!  Motherhood has always been in her heart and mind.  At church, she has had many opportunities to “practice” leading kids of all ages, from the cub scouts to the young women and is currently serving in the nursery.  She loves the children and tries hard to implement learning while having fun.  It helps that Claudia is very creative.  She has some real artistic talents and has created beautiful oil paintings.  She also loves to garden, sew, cook, crochet, and basically do anything with her hands. Currently, her attentions are turned towards canning and cooking, as well as learning new things like scrapbooking, family history, or learning to play music.  When she needs to relax, she will play video games, watch a movie, or visit with family.  With Claudia as a mother, I know our children will turn out great!
Comments by Claudia:
Jake is very successful at his job.  He’s regarded as an important part of his company, and he enjoys working with computers, building networks, and trouble-shooting.  Jake likes to do things right at home, too.  He’s quick to fix the leaky plumbing or electrical wiring correctly the first time around.  Jake is also great at research and problem-solving.  You name it, and he knows it—or at least he’ll soon find out!  When we need to make a big or small purchase, he’ll search the Internet for the best quality product.
Jake also “surfs” the Internet for fun.  When he is not reading to learn about his hobbies and interests on his laptop, he enjoys reading books about history or other classics.  Jake likes to relax by spending time with family and friends or by working on his hobbies.  He loves to watch football with his “buddies,” who have been friends with him since childhood.  At home he likes to cook for everybody.  The most requested items are his bar-b-qued steaks and ribs or one of his Mexican dishes.  His cooking has "Jake's special touch," as I like to call it, because he'll try to improve a recipe until it’s perfectly delicious! 
Jake likes outdoor activities, like camping and fishing.  He plans trips to the mountains as often as possible in the summer for evenings of roasting marshmallows and enjoying nature with our parents, brothers, sisters, nieces, and nephews.  This time spent with our family has prepared Jake to be a father.  Besides, he grew up around a lot of children (Jake’s mom babysat throughout his growing up).  He’ll sometimes say that he has “changed more diapers” than anybody he knows!
Jake is a great man, both loving and kind!  He is a man of few words, but means what he says when he tells me he loves me.  I know that he cares for me very much, and he will care for our children in the same way.  To show his affection, Jake will often give me thoughtful gifts, take me out on a date, or encourage me to do things I like.  He has always opened the car door for me, along with other nice gestures like calling me at night if he's going to be late.  Sometimes, out of the blue, I get an email from him saying something sweet.  I am fond of the old-fashioned gentleman that he is!  He is an easy-going person who is sensitive to the needs and feelings of the people around him.  I know he’ll be a great father.

From the Both of Us:
We both like to go on walks together and watch movies at home or at the movie theaters.  We also enjoy going out to dinner with family and friends.  And we both look forward to our family vacations where we play games, build models, or cook together.  When we want to spend time alone, we’ll plan a date just for the two of us.  We also try to plan a nicer trip as often as we can.  We did a road trip to see relatives in California.  It was great to see the Oregon Coast and the Giant Redwoods in addition to seeing our family.  We went to Hawaii for our three year anniversary, and it was wonderful.  What a beautiful place!  We even got to see some whales on a canoe ride.  In the end, however, we both agree that the most relaxing and fun trip so far was our Disney cruise.  We liked it a lot!  We want to do it again soon.    
We never imagined that we would be sharing so much about ourselves in hopes to be part of the amazing gift of adoption.  We hope that by sharing a little bit about us, we can help you feel some peace of mind and help you in the healing process, too.  We would like to assure you that we are ready to offer a child an eternal family rooted in good principles.  We are committed to protect, defend, prepare, provide, and teach through patience, love, and devotion.  There is no difference for us between naturally born children and adoptive children.  The family connection and love are the same.  Claudia’s youngest brother is adopted.  He is grateful for the life he has and the events that led him to his family.  Each situation is slightly different, but we have faith that when the time is right, the right situation will come along and bless everyone involved.  We hope the time is right.  We know God will provide a way.  We hope our child will soon be in our arms.

Jake and Claudia
To see our complete profile, follow this link: