Spring Tulips have Arrived in my Garden


  1. Hey, I had tulips too, for like two days! When we had that cold snap,mine died. :( so lovely though!

    1. Mine are gone too. In fact, I pulled out the bulbs and planted some Pansies. If you want, you can have my bulbs that I pulled out. I'm changing my garden to be Tortoise friendly because I have a new pet. We are calling him Stretch.

  2. So pretty! What goes in a tortoise friendly garden besides pansies?

  3. I got some Globe Thistles, Sea Holly, Mallow, Forget-Me-Not, Coreopsis, Coleus, Nemesis, Rose of Sharon and some seeds for other plant that I'm trying to grow myself. I just hope these plants do well and live happily in my little garden. Plants don't usually do very well in the back.
